Saturday, April 18, 2015

Insights from reading Exodus 13-16

Several insights from daily reading in Exodus 13-16:

13:21-21 It wasn’t JUST the pillar of fire and of cloud like we remember from Sunday School: The Lord was IN both of them… but we don’t remember that part!  He’s saying: “I’m right here!!”

14:13-14 “Why are you crying out to Me? Go forward!” when the Egyptians were coming.  (As if they SHOULD HAVE BEEN expecting HIM  to take care of this!  Just do what’s before you!) 

15:26 “I am your Healer.”

16:4 clearly says, as I repeat to friends sometimes “Everything is a test!” (Just do it!)

Then 16 talks about the manna:  “It comes every day, only collect certain amount per person (some disobeyed, it spoiled.) Collect it early in the morning, or sun melts it.   You have to collect it EVERY day… but then collect double the day before Sabbath, and I’ll see that it doesn’t spoil then overnight!!  Put some in a jar to keep as a testimony.” (and it lasts for years!!)

He’s trying to say: “I’m your provision… it’s not even about the manna or the quail, it’s about trusting and connecting with Me!  I make stuff work out!!”

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