Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Left Turns and Life Mistakes

Recently at a 4 way stop intersection, I came to a full-legal-in-Georgia-stop. After verifying that no vehicles were at any of the other signs, I made my left turn.. 
(Some stop signs concern me, because I have been rear-ended 3 times in 5 years.... I look behind me as much as in front now!!) 
During the turn, I realized that I was NOT at a stop sign, but at a RED light! Cheerfully turning left on RED!

Later the same week, I came upon a Railroad intersection I cross almost daily, often several times.  A sign right at the railroad crossing said: "Road Closed."  A little surprised that there had been no warning, I retraced my route, and took another road that crossed the Railroad with an intersection several miles away.  Glad was I to see that my second route along a major US Hwy was clearly marked: "Detour."  Why, thank you very much!

Approaching the Railroad (Okay, it's a CSX line!) I came upon signage that clearly indicated what my eyes could see, the crossing was: "Closed".... Maybe not to IronMan, but at least to me and the other motorists in front and behind me.  Turning around, I found refuge in that faithful old friend from childhood days, The Eisenhower Interstate System. 

My work/ministry/life brings me in contact with a lot of people who have found themselves at places they did not anticipate, with problems they never prepared for, and with consequences they were not expecting to ever encounter. There are worse things in life, and harder things to surmount, than a closed road, or a misinformed AND misplaced sign. Numerous friends and acquaintances have spent hours, days, years, and thousands of dollars trying to correct or alleviate the problems caused by mistakes made by themselves, or others close to them.

It would be nice if I could say I don't make many mistakes.  It would be nice to know that I was LOTS less fallible year by year.  Nice.... but.....not.....necessary, because:

Me Making Mistakes does NOT Make ME a Mistake!

1 comment:

New Adventures said...

Always grateful for God's Grace along the way!