Okay! Here is the Yearly Wed Guy to the Nearly Wed Guy version! (As written by the wife for him). This is the real thing!:
When I read Hubby the stuff I sent you, he thought it was hilarious. I asked him if he had anything to add, and so he gave me his Top Ten. I didn't make these up--these are all Hubby:
"Have patience, because you are not used to her emotional side, but you are used to walking it off or putting dirt on it."
"Never go to bed angry. Don't let it go just to quit an argument. Work through it together"."
"Everybody will say she's always right, but that's wrong, and nobody is perfect."
"When in competition with your wife, it is best to use what I learned while riding my motorcycle--the SEE method of Search-Evaluate-Execute. Search for the problem. Evaluate the problem, seeing what you can and can't do to make it better, and Execute that solution."
"Expect her to do everything. Just kidding... expect each team member to do his or her own part. This is a partnership, in the cleaning, the grocery shopping, and everything."
"Guys... remember the little things, the things that you did that first year you were dating. Remember to give her a kiss when you wake up or a kiss when you walk in the door. You can never say 'I Love You' enough. Get up early in the morning and go get her breakfast, even when you could use that extra hour of sleep. And really, any little thing that you think could be corny or lame, go ahead and do it, because it means the world to her."
"When your wife wants a dog, tell her no. When you want a dog, say no."
"This is for the wives: When your husband has these weird ideas--like riding a horse, getting a kayak, riding a Harley, scuba-diving, or at the greatest extreme, climbing Mount Everest--just know that this is his adventurous side coming out. It's not that he's bored with you, but he's just being 'wild at heart.' Remember that his greatest accomplishment is you."
"Guys, we're always one not to take advice, but it's good to take advice, even from older guys who may have written you poems in high school. It's always good to listen to what they have to say."
"Last, and finally, it's always good to take a moment every day, whether in the morning or at night, to pray for your spouse, because whatever issues you may be going through, she might be going through, too. Even if it's just putting up with you, or work, or anything, always pray for her. There isn't a class about marriage. This is an up front, hands on experience."
OKAY! That was the real thing, from the male perspective after the first year!!
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