Saturday, August 15, 2015

Trust in Trials

"I do not involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me." Psalm 131:1 
But actually, I often do. (2nd year German and 2nd year Calculus attested to that early on.) And often I wonder how some things will work out. (Too often, and TOO many things.)
But I can only trust as David did, that HE is a GOOD FATHER. I am still trying to learn that my life is not about me, and it's not about here. It's about Him, and it's about THERE....either OVER There, or UP There. 
"Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done..." is in this, too. Our dining table, a 30 year family member, has probably heard more questions than answers. 
Since HE has been in the FATHERING business far longer than I, I will move over and sit down with the shepherd boy-King David, and maybe just work on what my assignments are.

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