Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Marine Tribute: Semper Fi!

Marine Tribute: 

Grateful for The Faithful!

You have seen them on the beaches
Where they’ve landed on the shore,
Almost always on the Forefront,
When the Country goes to war.

Parris Island serves as midwife
For these sons who stand so tall.
Ever ready, always training,
For whatever task may call,

Homeland, grateful, awes them proudly
As they serve across the seas
Under Foreign suns or friendly,
Facing foe, harsh clime, disease.

Battles deadly, sore, with evil
They have fought without defeat
Never leaving comrades wounded,
Never calling for retreat.

From the books of history’s pages,
They stand out, so Few, so Proud
From the tongues of warrior sages,
Hear their exploits told aloud.

“Did you know one?? Have you met one??”
“Oh, Yes!” proudly answer I,
And I know he lived the motto:
“Always Faithful” – Semper Fi !

In honor of all our faithful Marines
© Tom B. Bandy tbandy523@comcast.net
3/5/03 770-548-3020

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