Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter's Basket For Us

Whether you got an Easter Basket or not, you certainly got the full benefit of all that Easter truly means: Resurrection power for whatever you need to do... or should do for Christ.

It is interesting to me that besides the angel appearances to the ladies at the Tomb, Jesus' resurrection went off with less noise and display than a local thunderstorm. Doggone it, sometimes we'd like to see just a little "more power"... like Tim Allen is always adding to everything in the "Home Improvement" reruns.

Evidently, The Lord is quite content to do His work quietly, until the final show at the end. Maybe a little spiritual fireworks along the way, nothing that makes the papers. So, when you and I are stuck, think about the disciples after Jesus' death. All looks lost, then He starts showing up again... appearing through walls, grilling breakfast on the seaside. Acts 1 & 2 indicate the Lord works for His Glory, not our entertainment. (By the way, to enjoy the breakfast, Peter had to get soaking wet!!)

Not many of my younger singles friends were alive when the Apollo 13 tragedy took place.... but if you've seen the movie, you recall a line where the Flight Director corrected "NASA's greatest disaster" into "our finest hour". That's kind of what Jesus does for us.... empowers our weak life to make Him Glorified...with duct tape, if necessary!!

For Extra Credit, see if you think anyone in this 40 year old photo looks like Tom Hanks....

(click on Apollo 13 for picture to load) Apollo 13

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