Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Is A Life Purpose Coach?

This is an email answer I gave to a young friend who asked: What is a Certified Life Purpose Coach?

The Life Purpose Coaching is a more specific type of coaching, aimed at helping you discover your unique design, and how God has directed you and equipped you so far. Of interest is what you enjoy doing and being the most. The point is to help YOU find the directions you should be going, to fufill your purpose. Often I work with a client through a book, one chapter per week that we both read, that helps dig into one's heart and mind. There are numerous possibilities: The Power of a Loving Man, S.H.A.P.E, Character Makeover, Telling Yourself the Truth, a John Eldredge book, or The Purpose Driven Life. Some of these things will beat us up in showing us our weaknesses!

Using the SHAPE concept, we could focus on 5 things: S - Spiritual Gift: (if you don't know yours yet, we have an inventory to help with that;) H - Heart: What's in your heart, what excites you, what would you do for free? A - Abilities: What skills or talents with people, computers, machinery, etc. do you have? P - Personality: Again, several tools are available here, like the DISC, to help you see how you work best with projects & people. E - Experiences: Where have you been, what have you done that contributes to who you are, and what you can do? How is God bringing all this together???

For a motivated man, I'd suggest we'd work through the S.H.A.P.E. book. If you're kind of "stuck" emotionally, kind of in a rut, we might use Telling Yourself The Truth. The format is a 10-week relationship, or based on the book chapters. It's generally a 50 minute telephone or face-to-face session. I'd rather work with a person who wants to change and grow, and trust the Lord for the results. He orders the book from Amazon, or wherever, and we'd go to work. We could meet somewhere convenient, or work by telephone, with email updates.

Sometimes I just listen to a guy: maybe where he's hurting, struggling... I've had several phone clients passed on from doctors, and I just kind of listen, ask a few questions, poke around, let him find his own strengths in the Lord.

A fellow looking at Holy Matrimony might be more interested in something on those lines... but being pounded with the material in S.H.A.P.E or Character Makeover would be fine preparation!
I've learned my spiritual gift is exhortation (encouragement), and part of my heart is the "least of these"... (and all of us feel like the least of these, sometimes!!) That shows up in my doing parenting classes for the Women's Resource Center, (for DFCS and Court Ordered adults who are trying to get their children back, or at least visitation rights).... that's feeling pretty "least". Another great part of my heart is my "younger brothers" (and I do work with the college & young singles in Sunday School, having spent some years with youth in general, and middle schoolers in particular).

SEE, knowing these things about myself, helps me know the areas/offers I'd thrive in, and also the areas that really wear me down. Then I can listen to my heart, and know which opportunities to say yes to (like working with a client, doing Middle School VBS) and the things to say no to (like being an active deacon again, after years of that, or working at a maintenance type job).

I am glad to work with an individual in any way that works for them. One thing we guys need is strong bonds and support systems... and I have friends in every decade of life that I know would "come back for me" like the Marines do, if they knew I was in trouble. Developing those type relationships doesn't come fast or cheaply, but is key to seeing the growth and maturity each of us is looking to build!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter's Basket For Us

Whether you got an Easter Basket or not, you certainly got the full benefit of all that Easter truly means: Resurrection power for whatever you need to do... or should do for Christ.

It is interesting to me that besides the angel appearances to the ladies at the Tomb, Jesus' resurrection went off with less noise and display than a local thunderstorm. Doggone it, sometimes we'd like to see just a little "more power"... like Tim Allen is always adding to everything in the "Home Improvement" reruns.

Evidently, The Lord is quite content to do His work quietly, until the final show at the end. Maybe a little spiritual fireworks along the way, nothing that makes the papers. So, when you and I are stuck, think about the disciples after Jesus' death. All looks lost, then He starts showing up again... appearing through walls, grilling breakfast on the seaside. Acts 1 & 2 indicate the Lord works for His Glory, not our entertainment. (By the way, to enjoy the breakfast, Peter had to get soaking wet!!)

Not many of my younger singles friends were alive when the Apollo 13 tragedy took place.... but if you've seen the movie, you recall a line where the Flight Director corrected "NASA's greatest disaster" into "our finest hour". That's kind of what Jesus does for us.... empowers our weak life to make Him Glorified...with duct tape, if necessary!!

For Extra Credit, see if you think anyone in this 40 year old photo looks like Tom Hanks....

(click on Apollo 13 for picture to load) Apollo 13

Thursday, April 9, 2009

CASA Training

Recently I've been involved with training to be a CASA volunteer. That acronym stands for "Court Appointed Special Advocate". A CASA is a person who works with DFACS, the Juvenile Justice System, and the adults who are involved in the life of any young person who has been removed from their home by Child Protection Services ( a division of the Department of Family and Children Services).

The CASA's job is to report to the Judge what the child would like to happen regarding his future custody, and to report what the CASA himself feels would be best for the child. This involves detailed investigation and conversation with family members, the current guardian of the child, DFACS case workers, Juvenile Justice staff, teachers, and any other adults who are knowledgeable about the child's life. Most importantly, a CASA is to get to know and speak for the child to the world of adults who are part of the decision-making process regarding his future home or placement.

In Georgia, there are strong legal directives toward permanency within a year. Parents who are charged with negligence, abuse, drug use, or other child-endangerment actions may have less than a year to correct their mistakes, reorder their home, lifestyle and work patterns.

In doing Parenting Education for the Bartow County Women's Resource Center, a non-profit which provides training for parents, I see some interesting situations. Sometimes a parent starts a court ordered program, or only registers for classes, and then abandons their plan.... that often can mean they've given up hope of recovery to a level that the authorities determine they are capable of caring for their children. Other parents show me pictures of their children, telling me about them, and about their own desire to be reunited as a family.

Visiting in court settings, drug court, and panel reviews, I've witnessed some horrific stories and pictures of child abuse, which no adult caregiver can "explain". I've been in small conference rooms where a preschooler responds to the foster parent as a real mom, and does not even recognize the birth mother 1 seat away. Sometimes I've heard the people in charge of a child's welfare tell the family of origin: "you cannot demonstrate the ability to care for yourself, much less care for your child".

I have also seen parents make amazing progress in turning from a life of destruction, to self-sufficiency and renewal. I've heard judges tell parents, "I had no hope for you 2 years ago, and now am very proud of your progress, and am returning your children to you".

In the midst of an world-wide economic "meltdown", with the Pentagon's computer systems being assaulted millions of times per day, with the discovery that viruses and codes placed by foreign sources are scattered throughout our power grid control system, I have other news.

It is my conclusion that our greatest problem in America is the unreported headline story of the collapse of the American family. Greatly driven by the drug and sexual saturation of our culture, the implosion (and sometimes explosion) of the family as a unit in our country is now showing up in the 3rd generation of families.

We need to be praying for individuals in our legal system, law enforcement, and social services to be empowered to be strong in battle. The foe is unrelenting in his assault. Thankfully, there is an unseen army available on our behalf! (Josua 5:14-15).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dark Tombs, Heavy Stones

When the time of Easter approaches, it reminds me of the amazing chain of events that was triggered by Jesus' Resurrection. Our sins were nailed in effect to His cross, and as He rose from the dead, we did as well.

Cleansing and being right with God had always been possible... the Old Testament proclaims that when it speaks of men like Moses, with whom God spoke face to face. Our friends Enoch and Elijah were taken up to the heavens, and David was a man "after God's own heart".

A pure heart before God was possible, but the sacrifices for sin were complex (read Deuteronomy again!), and the Holy Spirit was not available to indwell every believer until 40 days after Jesus' ascension. Those of us living post Pentecost have much to be grateful for about our relationship with the Lord!!

But we can still fail to walk in that fullness, still fail to claim His power for our day, and still fail to invite Him to be part of each of our activities. We can actually get buried in emotional, spiritual, and psychological tombs... as dark as the unused tomb where Nicodemus and friends laid Jesus' body, before the Roman soldiers rolled the stone and sealed the opening. We can live in Dark Tombs, with Heavy Stones.

How to get out? Well, Jesus had demonstrated it with his good friend Lazarus... saying, "Lazarus, come forth". I think it's safe to say that God wants all of us out of our tombs, and unwrapped from the graveclothes of the past. God is calling us out of those dark, heavy histories of life. When Jesus came out of His tomb, He brought us and our stories out with Him, into Heaven's light!

Confess them, Reject Them, Correct Them, and Leave Them Behind!!