Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's All In Who You Know?

People often say when disappointed about their treatment in customer or public service (or maybe technical telephone support!), "Well, it's all in who you know!!" Some people really struggle with a sense of defeat in this area, thinking they can't get a good deal or fair treatment, because they don't have an "inside" connnection.

Once I had the opportunity to work with a rather well-known man, and I often would have individuals say, "Why, I've known him since high school". Others might say something like, "Tell him Abraham said 'hello', he'll know who you're talking about!" (Unfortunately, with all the descriptive power I possessed, I could not get a memory triggered about Abraham in the mind of the man to whom I'm referring).

In that same work, I had occasion to speak to both the mayor of the small town, and the commissioner of the county from time to time. After several months, we recognized each other's voices immediately over the phone, could quickly exchange greetings, and get to the business or messages needed.

It occurred to me that it really isn't "Who you know" that is important in getting things done, it's "Who knows you" !!

There's certainly a spiritual application from this insight. Jesus himself said that there would be people who would cry "Lord, Lord", and He would have to say to them, "I don't know you". I'm thinking that in the end times, that is NOT a conversation you would want to be party to!!
Make sure in your relationship with the Lord, that you are truly one of His, not just someone who goes to church, or knows some Bible verses... Salvation is free, but it does require giving our hearts and lives to Him, and asking for and accepting His forgiveness for our sins.

I'm glad to say that for several decades I've known the Lord as Saviour... but I'm more pleased with the knowledge that HE KNOWS me!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Current Events & Old Testament Prophets

In my daily reading through the Bible, I've recently finished Proverbs, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Hosea. I make notes of thoughts and impressions in a journal I keep with my Bible, and look over them from time to time.

There was a stunning revelation, reading how God spoke to his people about their choices, and their activities. He talked about the way they conducted themselves and how they treated others. He was very upset, and predicted a time of financial, agricultural, political, military and natural disasters. He gave particular detail for these things as they would occur to different peoples.

The part that was so amazing to see: I couldn't tell the difference between what I'm reading in the Bible, and what I'm reading in the newspaper, see on the web, or find in the cable news!! God's description over 2,000 years ago of the conduct of His chosen people, sounds like a breaking update on a current news story!!

Keep your Bible close, read it, and check the Old Testament prophets against your favorite source of daily news! See what you think....