Friday, July 25, 2008


One of the more challenging books I've read lately is S.H.A.P.E. by Erik Rees. Subtitled Finding & Fulfilling your Unique Purpose for Life, it is a 12 chapter book designed to help lead the reader on a journey of spiritual self-discovery and practice. It includes assessments within the pages, end of chapter examination questions, as well as online support at This is another product of one of the pastors at Saddleback Church, and considered to be a Purpose Driven Resource.

Mr. Rees' basic premise is that God has designed each of us with unique Spiritual Gifting, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences, for His service in the Body of Christ. It requires time and a good pen to cover the distance from the front cover to the back, but I found the energy well worth the effort!! Some of the inventories prompt immediate response, and the online assessment will give a quick print-out when finished. But some of the questions will take hours, maybe longer to answer the first time, depending on how comfortable you are with self-exposure and open honesty. Even the author indicates some of his statements have been refined many times!!

I am glad to have been directed toward this excellent tool for Uncovering, Unlocking, and Unleashing my unique S.H.A.P.E. both for God's glory, and the sense of fulfillment available in knowing I've come to learn more of the special design He built into me!

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