Friday, January 30, 2009

My Part, God's Part

As I was reading Exodus 14, I was reminded about something Hannah Whitehall Smith spoke of in The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life: "I do my part, He does His part." Obviously, this division may not ever be clear: it wasn't to Moses (who had already had several close conversations with the Great I AM), because God said,"Why are you calling out to Me? Raise your staff!" (Moses maybe: "Well, I was thinking it was about time YOU stepped in, seeing how I've never coached a Spiritual SuperBowl before!")

So Moses part was to: 1. Tell the people to quit whining and have some faith, 2. Raise his staff to trigger the waters parting, 3. Raise his staff to trigger the waters closing. (and we see a conversation with God before each action) So there is obviously no training video for working with God!!! Sometimes the staff becomes a snake, that eats other snakes.... (not a desirable outcome on the shore of the Red Sea!) Sometimes it's a water-parter, sometimes it's a valley-flooder... so you have to keep in close contact with Headquarters for action signals!

Lessons Learned: I have no idea sometimes what I'm to do. I have less idea what God is going to do (shift angels around, have daylight on one group, dark fog on an army, possibly part seas? Even when we do our part, we have no idea what the result of that will even be, since we're learning pretty fast He never does the same thing, the same way - shows His creativity, and ingenuity. And, the part I will be doing, will be so small and insignificant in the end, that God will get the glory for it.

I am reminded of a song from college days with a verse that starts out: "Master, I am drowning, You called me when the sun was shining, but there's a storm in my life and it's raging; oh, Lord, don't you care...."

But the study Experiencing God does help us learn to keep our "Spiritual Antennae" out, to see what He might be doing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Master on Mission in Mark 5

An amazing amount of information is in Mark Chapter 5. Jesus healed a man of evil spirits, and his life was transformed. Interestingly, Jesus left after that one seashore event near the Decapolis area (10 cities). Instead of allowing the delivered man to become a fellow traveler, Jesus instructs the man to go home to his people, and tell his story. One man, with a transformed life, was all the missionary that the ten towns would need!! Hmm, an example for us??

Later, in another seashore area, Jesus was following Jairus to his home to heal the man's daughter. A woman touches the hem of his robe, believing that will bring healing for her long term bleeding. It does, and she can feel the change inside herself!

Jesus also felt the exchange, and asked, "Who touched My Robe?" (MSG). The disciples think it a silly question. They point out that in the jostling crowd, dozens of people would have touched Him. We always look at the story of faith of the woman who confessed being the person He was looking for in the crowd. He compliments her "risk of faith", and says she is healed (which she has already experienced).

What I've never seen before is revealed in what the disciples have said. There are many people around Jesus in this setting, who would have touched Him, and come in contact with Him more vigorously than the simple touch at the edge of His robe.

Dozens have touched Him, been close, come in contact with Him... and came away with nothing... Ouch! The Master Teacher, The Creator Of The Universe, is in their hometown... and they take no advantage of it, just pass by Him with no improvement in life inside, or outside.

I don't want to be like that: coming into contact with Jesus through worship and study experiences, prayer and preaching events, and leave without being changed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Attorney - In - Fact

For some years, I worked in a business situation where it was necessary for me to take action in the absence of and on behalf of the owner. A legal paper was executed, signed, and recorded at the local courthouse. It gave me "power of attorney" over the legal, financial, and business transactions of the owner. The legal terminology is that I was his "Attorney In Fact"... and I had a stamp that proved it! Often I had to use the stamp, or provide a certified copy of the "power of attorney" paper when signing legal or financial documents.

The wording of the document was quite interesting. Obviously, there has to be a great deal of trust involved, for such a document to be executed. But the permission to do business in the name of the owner was broad, general, and extended to every property and possession the business owned, in addition to financial assets. There was a phrase that really caught my attention, and was the most meaningful to me during the years I carried a miniature of the document in my wallet.

"To conduct business, and take necessary action on my behalf, as if I were personally present". In truth, I could have sold the man's house!!! In trust, I would only do the things directed, OR when unable to secure specific direction, do the things I believed he would want done. This was to insure that the business operations were to continue to function, grow, and expand, along the lines of our sometimes unwritten business plan. Often the owner would be gone for weeks at a time, sometimes outside the USA, and was even stranded overseas during the 9/11/2001 tragedy.

It seems to me as a Christian, that when Jesus gave His final farewell to His disciples, in Matthew 28, and in Acts 1, He was authorizing them, and us, to be His "Attorney In Fact". We are to do what He would do, if He were personally present! That's a challenging thought, and I think I probably was far more faithful in the business charge I had, than I have been in spiritual responsibilites!!

Wasn't Jesus saying to us: "You go and do, in My Name, as if I were personally present, until I get back"?

Executor, Fiduciary, Heirs at Will....What?

When my father passed away years ago, I became the executor of his will. The attorneys explained that it was my job to: "marshall and inventory the assets, to safeguard the assets, and to distribute the assets to the heirs at will". "Heirs at will" refers to the people in my father's will who were to receive something, and I happened to be one of those people. Then another term showed up: fiduciary... this relates to the legal entity that the government and other groups look to to handle the financial and tax matters of the estate. As it turns out, that was also me!!! It was my job to see that all the legal and financial requirements were fulfilled. It took a good bit of my time, and that of attorneys and accountants to satisfy the fiduciary requirements.

None of it was any fun... There was a business to operate, it was an hour away, and it was so complex, and emotionally involved. I am grateful for friends who cautioned, "you will not believe what people will say or do when an inheritance is being distributed". It was over 6 months before I found myself at the point of being free to grieve the loss of my dad. Everything had been seemingly fine, all taken care of, until that 2nd heart attack. Upon his death, a number of events were triggered, some of which are still in action today. An irreversible, and unstoppable chain of activity began to transfer assets from my father to those he intended to bless.

I have come to realize that all this is something of a picture for me of what our Heavenly Father is doing for us. The Bible says we are "his heirs" and "heirs with Abraham". When Jesus died on the Cross, an unstoppable, irreversible, and predetermined plan was set in motion, to bless all those who would accept His purchased forgiveness. The Holy Spirit works as executor, to help bring us into all the fullness of the Father's plan of blessing for His children. The resurrected Son Himself serves as Fiduciary, seeing that everything is done according to the Father's Will. A lot of days, that knowledge really comforts!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Helping a Hypothetical Friend

A friend asked me what I might suggest for a hypothetical acquaintance who was weary juggling family, job, marriage, church involvement, economic stresses, and community activities. These are some things I quickly thought of to share with that hypothetical friend.

Margin - a number of Christian spiritual thinkers are saying we need to start building more margin into our lives. That means a buffer between us and so much activity, giving some breathing room. Maybe reduce the time we spend checking the from something (more folks now are talking about 1 meal, or 1 normal activity - or chocolate, etc.) just to help focus.

Exercise - most anybody will tell us that the more we can exercise, the more fit we'll be, and the better we'll sleep. 1/2 hour per day is recommended... and maybe leave the ipod at home. A simple walk can suffice, these days, the cheaper, the better! I have temp masks that allow me to walk in freezing temps.

Rewards - maybe start rewarding oneself upon accomplishment of certain tasks; really! For a CPA, I might suggest, if he finishes up a payroll report, or completes a tax return, trot down the stairs, around the new hardwood, go get a treat stashed in the vehicle! Or, phone a buddy in SS class, just to boost his morale.
Do the jumble on line . Or, save the fun things in his day, "till after I finish this". Somehow encourage him to build in some rewards, even if small, silly, or contrived.

Refresh - more and more, especially with this economic daily news, we need refreshing. Lunch with someone who can relate, connect... even pray in their vehicle together, about real stuff. I went to a counselor on two different occasions, relating to job changes. At the end of 3-4 sessions, I commented that he was really just a paid friend. He Agreed!!! He said, "that's all I am!" But we are so disconnected from folks, and so superficial in relationships, that it would take a lot for us to open up to someone we'd trust enough to share real stuff. Perish the thought that we should admit an inadequacy, or a concern that's bugging us. That's a serious guy problem today. [[Top Sacred: I find some of my best talks can be with my ADD friends, or one who's been divorced! The ADD guy can't keep himself from talking! And the divorced guy, if a maturing Christian, has been so broken open like a watermelon in front of everybody, he no longer has any reservations!]]

Re-Checking - I have a couple of guys who use me, or I them, just as accountability partners in certain areas. Simple as trying to be sure both of us contact 2 guys a week on 100+ person SS list ( that had some great results with families, we both got bogged down and quit) A prayer commitment for 2 weeks about a certain issue, and then check to see what results have shown. So this can be with someone he's not deep friends with, just has enough respect for in a mutual area of concern.

Reading - LifeWay and Family Christian websites have lots of good books... and then he may find them on Amazon for 1c... + $4 shipping. Maybe realize that he CAN do without the news every other day. Turn up the good, turn down the bad.

Recharge - The AJC Sunday paper has 1-tank getaways from Atlanta... ideas of just getting out of town. But even some really cheap stuff... visit the new public library... plunk down the money for a Tellus visit. Do different things than he's been doing. Drive different roads to work daily. Call the old buddy who meant lots in college...(facebook searches can be produce neat connections). Break out of any routine he can, to get to the stuff that energizes you. One guy personally can't tolerate anti-depressants, so he watches Joel Osteen while he irons!!

Renew - Spiritually. Be sure to build in time for a daily time with the Lord. Tell this guy to try some different things. Read through Bible in a new translation... read books out of order! I am constantly reading spiritually stirring stuff, in addition to the Bible, and preparing for two SS lessons per week. The time with the Lord is critical, and sometimes it's enhanced by a book by John Ortberg, John Eldredge, Katie Brazelton, etc.

Re-educate! Maybe take a parenting course through the BCWRC like ScreamFree Parenting, Value Packed Parenting, Raising Kids That Turn Out Right, etc. Sometimes a few tips can help improve family life tremendously! I once heard that if you go to a conference, and get one good idea that works, it was worth your money.

Reconnect - with family. More and more parenting professionals, and counselors, are bemoaning the number of things we have our children in and going to. Maybe this fellow and his family need to consider something I recently heard: 1 activity, per child, per season. Avoid traveling teams like the flu!! Get in the floor, with a board game, and tape the TV remote to the back of the TV.

Slow Down - deliberately wait 24 hours to respond to some personal emails (maybe). Get in the longest line at Walmart. He may want to practice 1/2 day per week doing things like that... taking the road home with the most redlights... to practice slowing down, and seeing that God still takes care of things.

Power Boosts -,,, , all offer emailed devotionals that mostly come in the morning, that could be of help to our friend... just be careful not to overload the inbox!! Also, he can go to GodTube, and YouTube, and search for his favorite songs... minimize, and have a mini worship service at work or home.

These are just some things off the top of my head that could be of service. Obviously, if I got to talk to him personally, I might could better tailor a plan that would be more suitable. Some of these things he might pick up and try, and get help from on his own. Other guys might want a more accountable relationship, where one walks alongside, checking in on him weekly. NOT the "did you commit one of these sins this week" but "we talked about you trying this and that... did you? How did it work out? Would something else get a better result? What else do you want to work on?" etc.

I've talked about this guy so much, it's almost like he's become real! Maybe he is... he sounds like most of us!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Package Enroute!

It was a simple thing. A college daughter was back at school, and needed a new filter for her air cleaner. We have an account with a national company that supplies such. The representative was so kind as to do extra research to cross reference much info to find the right filter for an OLD unit. With a little more work, the order was charged, and set up for direct shipment by a well-known shipper to the college PO, and thus the daughter's inbox.

Problem - from tracking email, we noticed her address has gotten adjusted a little, omitting her name, and referring to daughter's address as a PO Box. The University calls it something else, and daughter is fearful that package will be rejected, based on printed policies. In fact, in 4 years, we've never referred to it on any address label as a PO Box. (I've seen it, I'd call it a PO Box!).

Father, having the University's number in my cell phone, calls the school's Post Office, speaks to one of the nicest people in the hemisphere, who assures dad that they are the receiving point for this shipper. They will make sure that daughter's inbox gets a note as soon as the package is received. Dad emails the tracking information, so both he and University PO can track the package. (This part is kind of fun... to note what cities a small package travels through). Hanging up the phone, the thought comes to mind, as if I were humorously speaking to my daughter... "You don't know who your father is..." (But all I had REALLY done was enlist the help of kind strangers in a simple quest).

Which brings to mind Bible stories that tell of angels' arrivals to reveal information: of babies on the way, of dangers to avoid, of future things to come that are too amazing to explain. What might be some of the good things God has on the way for us?

Are they in a distant city whose name is barely recognizable, that we have no contact with whatsoever? Could God's good things for us, scheduled for a delivery time unknown, be even now in the hands of a kind, and efficient stranger?

Silent He may seem sometimes, elusive may be His ways without a web-based tracking system,
unexplainable may be His methods... But surely He can be trusted for our provision, surely He can be depended upon for safe delivery!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

God's Stories in My Backyard

In Matthew 13, Jesus told a number of parables, which some people call stories. Jesus' disciples asked Him why He was telling stories about farmers, birds, merchants, fishermen, and such common things. His response was that some people were ready to hear from God, some were not, and that the stories helped prepare people for insight and understanding.

Jesus often relates that the stories in Matthew are like the Kingdom. Looking over His parables in chapter 13, there are reports of farmers who have to wait to pull enemy-sown thistles until the final harvest. There is a story of a great tree, that comes from a quite small and unimpressive seed. Another parable says the Kingdom is like yeast stirred into bread mix: there's a time of waiting and warming before the final product is ready for the next step. Another time Jesus tells His hearers that the Kingdom is like a jeweler, who sells everything else he has when he finds the perfect pearl.

There is a lot to absorb from these stories... does the thistle story help us understand why God doesn't deal directly with bad people right now? Does the small seed story mean that much of God's work in our world will come from unnoticed small starts, here and there? Maybe the yeast (leaven) example is God's way of reminding us that many good things require a time of maturing. The jewelry story may show us that when God found us lost and straying, He sold off His Greatest Prize, in order to buy us for Himself.

I can't help notice and be reminded of what professional landscapers have told me about some of our plants and shrubs, and believe that God has stories going on in my backyard! There are different and important times for pruning and dethatching some of our landscaping. Hydrangeas "bloom on old wood", so I know to leave some of those unsightly stalks standing. When trimming the beautiful OakLeaf Hydrangea, I was careful to remove only the dead bloom stems, for the new buds were evident, inches away!

Crepe Myrtles come in 100's of variations, and in our area they are seen trimmed in 100's of ways. I do it by hand, cutting back to certain joints. Some workers say liriope should be trimmed every January with a weedeater... others applaud my December method of running over it with the mower and bagger every few years!!

What is MOST interesting to me is: already, though our winter season has hardly begun at this writing, a number of both the ground vegetation, shrubs, and trees have already "set the buds" for the spring blooming. In other words, my metereological advisors are warning me that winter is ahead.... but God, Master Gardener, is telling me through my own backyard that HE IS PREPARING and PLANNING FOR SPRING!!! I find that a pretty positive approach, no matter what the economy or weather, and I think I'll adopt it as often as I can in my thinking...