Friday, April 30, 2010

Reading Deuteronomy

One of my favorite Old Testament books is Deuteronomy. It seems that God does lots of talking to and through Moses in this book. After I first became a Christian in college, I walked to downtown Atlanta to buy a New American Standard Bible "just like my roommate had". I'd found it readable and understandable (especially compared to some of my GA Tech calculus and chemistry books!!)

There are many things in my NASB that are yellow high-lighted from those early years of Bible reading, verses that are still encouraging to me today. Deut. 3:22 says: "Do not fear them, for the Lord you God is the one fighting for you." I like to know I'm not alone in the tasks I'm given... as a matter of fact, I'm just the helper!

Deut. 4:7 reminded the children of Israel: "For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the lord our God whenever we call on Him?" That's a great country to have your citizenship invested!

The 4th chapter continues with some great reminders: "you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart..." "He will not fail you..." "To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God..." "there is no other besides Him."

It is important to remember that when Jesus and the early apostles quoted Scripture, they were always referencing the Old Testament, which they had learned well. It certainly is an encouragement to me!!